Sunday, August 31, 2008

Lis, she looks great

We made it up to see her, Saturday. She's going to the hearing of the 11th, the hospitals crazy, if they don't let her out. There getting everything in place, she has a program from her place for 6-9 months. Also looking to be retrained, it will be good for her. I know that she can do it, the med change has done her a world of good. It's what she needed, it has been needed to be addressed for a long time, with the progress of her health. I just wished, she would have been willing to more a lot sooner, but you know she did wish to stay close to her friends, and she did have a wonderful group there in Longview.

Jess and I see the Lawyer Tuesday to find out what is going to take place now. It's great to have her away from the toxic issues there.

Jess and I going to remove the one bedroom, and put the stuff where she wishes it, do the dusting, put fresh food in the place so she has something to eat, until her care provider can take her shopping and deal with life. So, when she does get home, all she has to do is hang her cloths, and know that the supplies she needs to up keep the house is there.

We are removing everything from our home, and putting in the new floor through the whole house, it will be quite a project, also a rubber padding in the garage. Repair the ceiling, finish the wall's, fix up then it's just the gutters. If we can after that, weather depending, repaint the outside. then it will just be the yard.

We are planning on fixing and getting it ready for the addition in the landscape, and lining up the new layout for all that.

Jess's dad, going back to California for the winter soon, once her goes out there, he's looking at setting the place up for a Museum, with my help. We are going to put it in the trust that nothing can be sold, also, sorry Lueria, uncle said all on the
place will stay the same. We have a lot of work that we will be working on, with this place, and if we get the place in Longview.

I need to go back to work, so Jess can play. I am working on the plan's for the future places, as he'd like to work with stained glass, and we will be doing so. He does wish to stay home, and I will support this.

Jess would like to do a bike run next year to the east, it would be great. I told him if he fixed the bikes up, then the harley!!!!

We don't want to hire the work out, he wants to do it,....with my help. Jess and I will also try to get down to see Ben again.

Love Lili

Jess and I are


Peter said...

Sounds like progress. A bike trip to the East, your brave! Keep us posted on your progress. Be sure to send photos of the special sights you see. Oh Lili, don't forget to post your new biker chick tat on the blog.

Anonymous said...

My Dear Sister;

I just spoke to you onj the phone, but I don't thnk I tell you often enough .. or ever .. how much it means to me and has all my life that you have been there for anyone and everyone whenever they were in need. I remember you covering for me in high school when I'd go out and party and not get in till 4 a.m. ... probably not the best thing to do .. but you did it for me and I'll never forget your total loyality, even if it seems I do. I remember every time I would run away from home or some man in my life; you were always there to take me and my brood in. I hope you get to see your hopes and dreams come true. I love your spirit and don't let anyone crush that. I hope Lisi is able to come home and get into retraining. I remember how much talent you two had; singing, art, playing the piano and organ .. and me nothing! Thanks for sharing how Lisi is doing. We all care. It's nice for family to really share at times. Course Dick calls it drama ... I call it cleansing !!! Love ya anyway Dick.
You mean a lot to me .. Lili .. you ahd my back so many times .. good or bad .. I do appreciate it. And you ahve such a good husband to deal with all the drama we've ( your sisters mainly ) brought into your life.

LOVE YA !! Keep on posting..makes good reading! And anyone who doesn't think so can just' NOT READ IT !!!'