Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sunday nite 8-17

Just left Ben. 9 pm. He is up and moving around. They put in a pic line in his left arm and trying to give him some nourishment thru the iv. He still can't eat but is slowly going now. I though he said that they were giving him stuff to make him go more to clean him out. But I guess not. I came down tonite as when I talked to him at 11 am, the dr. was talking to him about surgery. This is the cover dr. for dr. Freeman. He did not read Ben's file so did not know that the cancer has spread. He wants to do surgery on the tumor that is growing and attaching to the old scar and the stuff around it. Enough stuff has moved so that they can see the tumor in the abdomen. He is still swollen and hard even with all the suctioning and going. He is still very much in pain so they are now giving him the thingy that he can push the button when he needs it. Supposedly they are to hook it up tonight. He is really starting to look worn out.

I still don't understand much about the surgery that Ben says the Dr. was talking about. Dr. Freeman and this other Dr. are supposed to come in tomorrow. They never give you a good fairly precise time like between 1 and 5 or some such. Just sometime tomorrow. I understood that Ben was supposed to go to surgery tomorrow but if they are not pushing internal cleansing then it won't be tomorrow as the intestines have to be pretty much squeaky clean. Supposedly the Dr. wants to take out some more of the colon along with the tumor. Said it would only be about 3-4 days before he could go home. Then have to have bed rest and all the usual stuff. So will have to wait and see just what is up. Ben doesn't want the surgery if it can't fix him. He is thinking, why have it if it won't prolong a good life and he has to go thru all that crap again. My fear is they will open him up then close up and send him home without doing anything and say , well that's it- nothing more can be done and leave him in all that pain and struggle. And then the worst of it, expect to be paid for that pain and suffering. Sorry, I am venting. You can't see the steam but it is there.

He had a really good day nurse yesterday. Today, they came in and wiped out everything she had on the board that regarded his pain meds and the times that he could have them and when they were due. She had it all written out so that all the next shifts would have it and not have to look everything up. It peeved him quite a bit. When he starts getting short tempered,you can tell he is hurting and getting fed up with everything. I told the nurse tonight before I left as he was getting short with them again, that when he gets that way, he is at the end of the pain that he can take. So she gave him his medication about 1/2 hour early.

So that is what i have for now. Also if you want to talk to him you will have to call the hospital. Their number is 1-503-225-6000 and ask for Rm 104 B. Appearantly the cell phone does not work well where he is in the hospital. It seems to be hit and miss. Must be because of all the electronics and stuff there, the interference. So I am going to go to bed for now and hope to get some rest.

I can get internet herein the hospitality house and not have to pay for it. So will update as I can. Love to all. Ben and Illa


Peter said...

Thanks Illa, and good insight into pain/grumpiness. Doctors can be such a pain, so nice when you get one that is 'real' and open and good at the same time; not many out there! All the more reason to trust God while your being STRONGLY involved. I think I speak for everyone when I say I wish there was as strong an advocate as you in all our corners when we're hurting.

We were wondering- is there going to be pain either way you go? Like if he gets the surgery, he'll have pain, can it be controlled? What is the expected pain level if he doesn't get it? Just wondering, since that's seems to be such a huge factor in the decision. (It would be for me anyway)

We are continuing to pray for yours and Ben's strength to continue, and that the docs will be guided by the Lord. Love you, PnK

Sandi Hooper said...

Prayers and hugs, Illa. Call if you want to vent, anytime. If there is any single thing we can do, don't hesitate to call us. We long to be there for you, so seriously, don't hesitate if you can think of anything at all.


Anonymous said...

Illa, thank you for letting us know what you both are going through. I did try to call Ben this weekend and it went right to voice mail. I will call thru the hospital line.

I love you all very much and appreciate your keeping us updated.

Love, Glenda

Bonnie said...

Illa, please know that Rick and I are thinking of you and love you very much. I wish you guys weren't so far away. But know we are there in Spirit. Love you with all our hearts.