Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Ben's walking pretty good

Ben has been up 2 times today. I just missed the first one when I got there. Then about 6 pm he got up and walked again. Over 200 feet this time and at a pretty good clip. He was tired when getting back to bed but he was pretty happy. He used his own walker that I brought in. I etched his name and driver's license number on it so it wouldn't sprout legs.

He still isn't getting any fluids as he is still draining more than the Dr. thinks he should. He now has thrush in his mouth from not getting any fluids to clean out his mouth. So they are treating that too. I haven't gotten to see his tummy area as it is still pretty bandaged up. They has had to change it three days in a row as it keeps leaking. His poor skin is so irritated.

He is taking everything pretty well though. He has got some really nice nurses that have taken care of him for so long now. One of them that is really good even tho she is really busy is taking a week off. She is really hoping that Ben is not there when she gets back and that he is closer to going home. Some of them even remember how much sugar and cream that I take in my coffee and make sure that there is enough on his bed stand for me. They also make sure I get my meals. I hate to eat in front of Ben but it isn't really bothering him and he is happy that I am there and that he sees me eat something. Tonight something I ate made me sick. With in about 15 minutes of eating I was having to run to the bathroom. Thank heavens that there is one close. I can't use the patient one in the room this time as it has to be available for 4 people. I left about 7 so that I could be close to one. At least I am pretty sure it was something I ate then as it was so close to eating dinner.

So, we both are resting quietly.

Lili will see what is needed when Ben gets out from all the hospitals. We may need a lot when he does get home but won't know until that time gets closer. Thank you for the offer of everything.

At the new hospital there is no hospitality house for me to stay in. But they do have RV spaces so am going to try to get the little trailer registered so that I can put it there while he is there. At least that won't cost anything. One site is full hookup and the others are power and water only. So that is pretty cool and they have Wi Fi so that Ben and I can use our laptops there. That made Ben happy that he would be able to have his comp. there.

Teresa I would love to have you come to the house. Will have to see what we can work out. We all have schedules that need to be worked around. I know that you could use a break also.

Just talked to Dick on the phone. He is not on another planet after all!! But has been really busy running around as if he was. Work, work, work. We all know how that is. Sometimes you get so caught up that you forget there is something else. Slow down guys. That is me included. It was great to talk to him again. Also let him know that I am leaving Ben his cell phone again. It will be charged up and hopefully you will be able to get thru to him. He hates trying to call out from the hospital as he has to call collect. So anyone want to talk to him after tomorrow, he will have his phone.

So I am going to go outside for a few minutes and then go to bed. You all have a good night.

Love Ben and Illa


Anonymous said...

Illa, please get the full hook-up also the address and phone number. Also let me know the cost to get your trailor tags or whatever. Have your daughter give me a call, so I can see what I can do, helping to see to your needs so you can be close to Ben. Thank you for letting me help you out. Lisi has a wonderful care provider and so happy. She wishes to have me free to be there for you. Jess, sends his love and thanks. Also let the staff and Dr. Let me know what's needed for the time he gets out so that I can start making the list to make sure it's all in place.

Anonymous said...

Illa, please get the full hook-up also the address and phone number. Also let me know the cost to get your trailor tags or whatever. Have your daughter give me a call, so I can see what I can do, helping to see to your needs so you can be close to Ben. Thank you for letting me help you out. Lisi has a wonderful care provider and so happy. She wishes to have me free to be there for you. Jess, sends his love and thanks. Also let the staff and Dr. Let me know what's needed for the time he gets out so that I can start making the list to make sure it's all in place.

Peter said...

Great report! Sorry though that he can't have fluids, I can't imagine. Does it still look around the 20th to go to the other facility, or has the Doc indicated anything?

Jim said...

Now, this is what I call good news. We hope that he continues on in this same way.