Thursday, September 4, 2008

Thurs. 9-4

Definitely cranky and grumpy. He only had a few bites for breakfast, lunch and dinner. He did drink almost a full 20 oz. jug of Gatorade. He wanted something other than the juice he was getting and wanted that so I gave it to him. Dr. came in at noon and Ben told him that he was drinking it and the Doc thought that was a good idea. So anyway hopefully they will let him have some as they do have it in the kitchen.

He also got two drains removed today. He is leaking all over the place and has to be changed 3 or 4 times a shift but at least it is coming out.

He got up and walked the 3 feet to the chair today. Very unsteady but at least up. He was up for about 20 minutes and that was all he could take. I noticed tonight that the nurse's are measuring his arm girth. I never saw them do that before. You can tell that he has lost all his muscle mass. His BP is going up again. I am hoping that it is only because of the pain and straining to move. He has been more alert today.

Not much else to report. He loves you all and says hi. So good nite to you all.

Love Ben and Illa


Anonymous said...

Dearest Illa, thank you so much for the updates. I'm so glad the kids got to see him; I know this is hard on them too. You take care of yourself and be careful going home tomorrow. I love you lots.

Peter said...

Yeah Illa; it's so good to get these updates. Since we can't be there like we would like, this has really helped. Big hug from Karen and I.