Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Note to self: Wisdom for choosing a motel

A few lessons learned from traveling some this summer:

Next time we stay at a motel that we're unfamiliar with this is the procedure I'll follow. Scouts honor.

Even if it's 11:00 p.m. at night, I'll drive around the block instead of pulling in upon first seeing it. Maybe, I'll drive around the block twice if it's in the 'experienced' part of town.

I won't take for granted that the motel is the same as it was when I stayed there 25 years ago. Things change.

I will be aware if there are ANY tattoo parlors in the close proximity.

I will check to see if there are people leaning off the 2nd story balconies smoking, before going to the office.

I will ask to look at the room before signing on the dotted line. If there are ANY signs that there is something wrong about the room, chances are there probably are.

And last, as I'm driving around the block the 2nd time, I'll read all the signs and be on the lookout for any that say anything about monthly rates.



Peter said...

OK Jim, how'd you know about the hotel we just stayed at in Redding? But it was better than sleeping in our car.

Anonymous said...

ya I've stayed ok some pretty seedie places myself. Another thing to look for is cars that have sat for so long that there is a puddle of oil the size of lake shasta under it.
Also, if there are shrubs, how much money you can make by picking up the beer cans laying under them.
But unfortunitly you don't think about these thing when you have been on the road all day.

other said...

You must have stayed at the same Jess and I stayed at!!!! Lili

Anonymous said...

Yes, there are some questionable ones here in town. So just where did you all stay? There are some good ones but you have to get to the freeway for them. I know Howard Johnsons used to be a very up beat motel when I was growing up but the one is Redding is very questionable. I also hate to say that we watch out for motels run by Pakistanis. Some are very nice but the majority so far are very low rate. They have sunk all their money into purchasing it that they can't do the upkeep or to renovate and spruce it up.

Ben and Illa

Jim said...

Every town has them. For me, this is just a summation of summer so I'm prepared next summer. Anytime we stay in a motel it makes us thankful for our own bed. I'm going to add those two points that Dick pointed out for good measure.

Peter said...

Thinking JnS knew what they were doing, we stayed at America's best value. I thought that's where they stayed in Eugene. The "Continental Breakfast", looked as if the manager had just went dumpster diving.

Anonymous said...

If you want a good median priced motel in Redding, Ben and I have found one on Miricale Mile next to Lim's Cafe. I think it is Travel Lodge. Not sure will have to check name when go by again. It is actually owned by some Pakistiani's but very well maintained. Non smoking but has a pool and hot tub. Very reasonable rates. It is next to a Best Western which we left after the first night. The up acale hotels are over on Hilltop and the Oxford Suites and Grand Manor are better than the Red Lion I think. They run about $100 a night but it is very nice, has a happy hour that they give you tokens for and a buffet breakfast. We don't stay there very often because of the price but when we have some extra and have to be down here anyway we will stay there. Their rooms are actually suites and you can have someone sleep on the couch if you take like your kids with you. If you want a room with an in room jacuzzi it is 25 dollars more a night.
