Saturday, September 6, 2008

Just talked to Ben

He is doing better tonight. Sounds like he ate a few bits more than yesterday. The nurses adjusted his drains and they are working better. He asked them to remove some of the tape holding stuff down as his poor tummy is so red and irritated. He is warmer today than the past few as I guess that the blood transfusion worked and his body accepted it. Did not get up today again due to the drain issue. I guess he is doing as well as cam be expected.

No me, I was digging up some of those thorn plants and twisted my right elbow. Still not sure how I did it but thank heavens I don't have to cook tomorrow. Just have to run the register. but I do have to lift coffee pots. Oh, well. part of the price one has to pay to get the yard back in shape.

So I am going to go soak in the tub now. Will eat when I get out. You all have a good evening. Love you all.

Ben and Illa


Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear that he is warmer. He seemed so small to me in his bed that I am not surprised that he was feeling cold. Take care of that arm, Illa. Let us know how you did at work. Love, Gi

Jim said...

Wow, Illa, I don't know if it's better for you to stay in Redding and be with Ben or go home and try to get some work done. Enjoy the soak in the tub.

Sandi Hooper said...

This sounds good for Ben. He's an amazing guy. I can tell you, I'll never tease him again, I have NO doubt that he can beat anything he puts his mind to. And I'm glad about that.

No missy, about YOU and the yard...Isn't it going to be covered with SNOW in a few weeks??? I say if you can't eat it, just leave it. Or is there a beautiful yard patrol there in Beiber??? Take it easy and tell the customers to get their own coffee!

sending hugs

Anonymous said...

Well I survived. Still hurts and can't lift much but at least I did it. Have one more day. The hardest was putting ice in the ice machine as you have to lift it up and then dump the bags. Fourteen of them for me today. I managed to work around getting the other stuff done but I looked strange a few times especially doing things left handed. Oh well stuff happens at times.
