Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Keep our focus

Why is it when the guys are on the blog it is always light hearted and fun, but when us women get on here, excluding our dear sister in laws, thing get negative and confrontational??? There has been so hurtful things said and some things said on the blog that should be dealt with on a more personal basis. No one has been told not to blog but I do think we should care about other peoples thinking and how we come across. Will it send the wrong message. if so then maybe we need to think out how it will be received. Some are more outspoken than others and maybe that is because the have unsettled issues in their lives. Jesus always showed love and compassion. He thought first of others before himself.

I grew up in a family that was always very critical of anyone that was different or thought different then them. There was so much jealousy and backbiting that it tore us apart and that was one reason I chose to move away. When I feel that happening in my true family, I want to back off because these are things that Satan tries to plant in families to turn them away from each other. Conquer and divide. and it can start out in very subtle small ways. I don't want this to happen to us after everything we have been through. so shape us girls, we need to pull together and love and support each other and especially Ben and Illa and their kids. Don't let Satan get in there at this time when we really need each other the most.


Anonymous said...

Well said, Bonnie. We must be very careful and try to re-read what we wrote to try and view the writing from an other's perspective. Words can be totally misconstrued if they are not written carefully. Also let's remember each other's heart and where those words came from. Sometimes those words come from a deep pain...we can all be guilty of saying things with out thinking,something I am famous for, but let's remember where our heart should be and grant another the same consideration.

other said...

Dear sister's, I am so sorry my words were taken wrong, I did not mean to sound like it on the blog., if any one takes what I way wrong, I sure did not mean it, that is why it can be hard in writing as you do not hear the tone or just take it wrong, when it's not ment that way. My husband requested I not blog., as it was taken wrong what I posted. From.... He knew what I wrote, and did not see anything wrong, with it, with what we were talking about. I am sorry if what I said anyone took wrong, it's sad when words are taken wrong, it's sad that one can't talk about what is going on in their life, without, it being talken wrong, that is one reason, I was not blog.... I love you all. At this time family is gaoing through a lot, with family and illness's..... So, I do feel that one can feel more sinsitive at this time with the pain of a member of a family, while Ben, and Illa are going through this, pain and each of our prayers need to be with Ben, not with each other. Love Lili

Anonymous said...

I have been trying to do this...........

1) does it need to be said?

2)does it need to to heard?

3)does it build them up?

4)Is it going to better me?

5)Is it going to better the other person?

6)Can it be said "Gently , kindly, and with love?

7) does it give blessing?

I think your blog covered all the above. amen.

Anonymous said...

from lueria the last one. lol

I lost the email to post blogs. can someone send me the steps again.lol