Sunday, September 28, 2008

Mo' good news!!

No, Randy and Claudia aren't having twins.

After playing phone tag with Ben and Chuck we were finally able to make contact on Saturday. I was able to talk to each of them for about 35 minutes. Both sounded strong and much better than the last time I talked to them. Ben has been up and moving around more and has fewer IVs to deal with, and Chuck has been taking his high blood pressure pills. Chuck also has some paperwork to fill out in hopes of getting some type of medical insurance coverage. He assures me that he will fill out the paperwork and send it back, unlike his original retirement papers. Excuse me, I must interject at this point a great big applause to Ben, Illa, and Mitch for moving that process forward (thundering roar of applause...and good karma).

Hopefully, both will be able to get on the internet and contribute their thoughts, opinions, and perspectives soon. They may be wrong, but Peter will set them straight. Illa mentioned in a previous post it's something that she's working on. By no means not the only thing, as she's a very busy woman about now. Chuck mentioned he now has the internet and I gave him the address again so hopefully he'll be on soon too.

Now, if we can find Dick a job that he likes (by the ocean) and Lisi continues to improve, things may be smooth for awhile.

Lili, have you taken your SIM card out of your now defunct iPhone? All of your data may still be available, but you'll have to put it in another phone. I have an extra cell phone if you need it.



Peter said...

Karen and I were just stepping into our hotel room in Portland- to hop the plane the next day for Colorado, when Ben called! As Jim said, it was good to hear his voice so strong. And actually getting two words out before falling asleep.

We are now in Colorado, arriving last night to very warm and pleasant weather. We all went out to Pizza and are having a great time.

congrats on a grandson JnS. Too bad it's a boy though, there's enough testosterone on the planet as it is, but at least he can help continue the good name of Hooper. There is however a chance the tech guy was wrong and you can get a sweet little girl.

So, here's question: Does a fetus have intrinsic value, or just because you happen to 'want' the baby? In the Old testament, if a man injured a pregnant women to make her loose the baby, he got a sever punishment for killing the baby. But in our society, there is only a sever punishment if the mother 'wants' the baby - so it's all subjective to how the baby in the womb is valued.

If your able to follow my math (logic) you'll have to agree that the way we view the fetus is so subjective it turns to nonsense.

When a politician is deciding life and death issues, let's hope he's one who has a biblical view of the value of humanity.

So Jim, you've recognized me as the one who corrects everyone; I sure wish you'd challenge me. Please argue your case for electing someone who believes it's ok to kill a fetus to solve a problem. I think we all love each other enough to talk of such things. As I recall, you're the one who said all topics are open. Peter

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you Jim and Sandy, It's hard to believe, that true christians and take a bablies life, as but I ALSO understand the pressure that can be brought on by family members and the harm of not letting, the person make the choice, not them, just to think, that we would not have Lueria, if my mom and dad had got their way, but as they placed Lisi, under my care, when I turned 18, and the meeting with them at that time with Jess, they could not do anything, yes, we have had our times, but the Love and care and seeing Lueria grow to run her own life, and the beautiful children she has brought into the world, what we have missed,..... I just look to the day in Heaven, and the new world when all the mother's less children will be raised by the childress, ladies in the world. God is awsome and I look to see what we don't know. There is so much arguement on issues, when I'ts, God who knows, not us, as there is so much blank in the Bible,..... what a wonderful life we have when the time come, the family reuion in heaven..... seeing those we will connected to, and the children back into our group........ I can hardly what.

Jim said...

You raise an interesting point; this issue of abortion. I will need to research Obama 's views on abortion before I respond. I am not familiar with his opinion on this issue. That is a very important issue and it is at the forefront of how many will vote.

I hope that you have a great time in Colorado and don't eat too much pizza.

We do thank you for your congrats. We're very happy for Randy and Claudia, for a boy or a girl, we'll enjoy either. Would you rather not have had boys? Myself, I enjoyed raising our boys. It let me re-live my boyhood.

I will get back to you on this philosophic issue of abortion. I feel it's not so much a political decision as a judicial decision. So far politicians have not been able to deal with it and it has gone to the Supreme Court for a ruling. That is not to say that they are right, it's just that, that is where ruling take place.


Sandi Hooper said...

Thank you all for your congrats, we're very happy for the kids. This is going to be fun. We're thrilled with boys and girls both, and I have a feeling that we'll have plenty of each before it's all said and done. Randy loves children and I think that he & Claudia are already talking about this baby's big brother status...

Illa, I'm sorry I've dropped the thread for so many days. I didn't know that Ben was so close to getting to go to the new place. I was really hoping that you could take the trailer down and have a place to stay. I've done the chair thing, and it's a rough way to go. I continue to keep you in my heart. And Ben, if you've got your computer on and happen to read this, I sure want to tell you how happy it makes me to hear good news about you. I think of you all the time Big Brother.

Lili, I am tickled to hear that things are going well with your new project. I'll be happy to send you all of our information. Hopefully this week.

I'll get a card off to Justin right away. I love Yachats and I hope he's happy there. Can he have homebaked stuff there at this address? I'm making a "care package" up for my sister's son to put in the mail this week, and I could split it so Justin could get a little goody too... Let me know, Lueria.

Who else? Oh yeah, Dick, you're actually talking to Jim right now, and I'm typing to you too, how strange. Well, I was very distressed to hear that you got laid off. Dang. That may be just the poke in the butt you need to get the heck outta that place. I hope so. This world is your oyster, so I hope that this turns into the golden opportunity of a lifetime.

Dick said...

It goes to show that it is possible for a person to be 2 places at one time. (?)
not sure what that means,

Peter said...

I suppose if the new grand baby comes out as I boy it'll still be a good thing. My boys too are the joy of my life. And when I consider they have brought me 6 grand children, I guess they served a practical purpose as well. Really, I don't think I could have raised girls, my grand girls could talk me into doing/buying anything. Regardless, i have a sense that RnC will be wonderful parents and probably raise a great family, even if they had ten boys.