Friday, September 5, 2008

A weekend before the start of another semester

I finished my last paper for the last class on Tuesday and I already have homework for the new semester class this Wednesday!! It looks to be a grueling semester but apparently I am a "gluten for punishment" because I am looking forward to this next opportunity to learn and do it well! I thank those of you who are my inspiration (Jim and Sandi), those of you who make me remember to laugh (Peter & Illa) and those of you who are interested and care about my sanity (all the rest of you.)

Hey guys, I am planning an evening of prayer on Sunday night at 7PM. I am publishing my plan because I would like to invite anyone who would like to participate at that time to do so. I don't plan on anything complicated...just getting on my knees and coming before the throne of grace with my requests. And - here they are.

Strength and peace for Ben
Wisdom for his care providers
Strength, wisdom, peace for Ben's family
I am also requesting jobs and monetary provisions for the whole family group.

My next item on the list is for us as a family. That we will "keep our focus" as Bonnie has stated so well. I will pray specifically that we will seek insights on each others communication style, a desire to continue to bridge the gaps in our understanding and love for each other.

I also want to remember our nieces and nephews and their families. I think of Chardo and the support he will need to make his major transition next year. I think of Andrew and his wife and their jobs (which I would like to hear how that is coming along.) Kara and family is also my concern since she is so far away from family support and raising to very active boys on the verge of puberty! I feel faint just remembering what it is like to raise teenagers! And my heart remembers each one of the nieces and nephews in the family; they will be in my prayers individually.

Last but not least I will pray that Peter will put his Photoshop to its proper use -- take 50 lbs off my hips in that picture and erase some of those age lines. Then I could use that picture on some of my social websites!!!! OK - well, that is my joke for the day!

Please let me know if you would like to join me on Sunday night at 7PM. You can publish it here or send me an e-mail, whatever you are most comfortable with. Love you all very much - gotta get back to work - Gi


other said...

Will be on the prayer line,

Peter said...

We'll be praying with you. PnK

Jim said...

Don't you really, down deep, enjoy the pressure and stress that school bestows on you, and thus makes you rise to what you know all along that you were capable of doing? Personally, I really enjoy what school makes me do.

The evening of prayer sounds like a great idea. Just like work, "many hands, little work." With prayer, I think that it's the same thing.

We, as a family, do have much to be thankful for, but also, much is needed.

I do hope that Peter sees the light and puts his Photoshop skills into a more noble means. There's probably a special place in ...for people who don't use their God-given skills. Don't ask me what that is with regard to Photoshop, but there must be some more higher purpose and merit than putting and halos and horns on innocent victims. Don't goad Peter into any ideas about your face on a different figure, you're fine as you are.

Anonymous said...

It is cool that you are in school. Hope that all is well. I always hated homework especially papers like term papers. I am the perpetual procrastinator. Then I wonder why I have to rush. I have tried to change that over the years but only small successes.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, your right Jim, I do love the task of getting my studies done on time and well. I was telling Peter, I am already feeling a sense of panic that my goal is almost accomplished. I have more units behind me than ahead of me! At this time next year I will be done with school...and then on to the next adventure. Oh, boy, I'm so excited!!

Anonymous said...

My family will be praying too. Is it said in the bible two and more come before the lord.

Well i'm

Sandi Hooper said...

Good job Glenda! I give you a shining star for your hard work, but hey, I'm an elementary will do anything for a gold star!

Illa, I was in your camp: the let's wait until later. I found that if I tried to do the work too early, it was garbage. I needed the pressure to build. I can't say that the stuff I ended up with was "brilliant", but I did get the piece of paper at the end...

You're doing a very tough thing this year Glenda. I'm rooting for you and am interested in how it's all going. Thanks for keeping us posted. I enjoy it very much.