Friday, September 5, 2008

Quick update on Ben

Ben was wide awake this am when I got there. They were messing with his bandages again. He didn't eat anything but did drink 2 little containers of juice.

Ben was getting three units of blood today. They started it before I left. Appearantly he has an anti-body in his blood that would not recognise and accept straight cold blood. It has to be run thru a special warmer to warm the blood to make the body think that it belongs there. Sounds strange to me but the Dr. also said so. So much they know. His body could very well reject the new blood even now. I will call later to see how he is doing. It is supposed to take twelve hours or so to put in all that blood.

I think he still has a leak inside up by the illiostomy but what do I know?. Seems to be more bile coming out of the abdominal drains than that thing. The Dr. did comment on it but didn't sound like he was going to do anything more than watch.

He seemed really proud of himself this morning. I had to go to the bathroom and while I was gone PT camein and got him up, to the chair and did a few exercises. He wanted to know what took me so long. I had gone outside to smoke a cigarette and drink my coffee. On the way out I spilt the coffee in the elevator and then had to clean it up which was a job trying to get to a restroom to get paper towels and then get back to the elevator before someone slipped in it. Then they would not let me back in. While I was out, they had a fire drill for 10 minutes and wouldn't let anyone back in. By the time they did I had to get to a bathroom again and ended up running all over trying to find one that was not occupied. Those doors that aren't supposed to close on people, they do.

Well, I got back to the house and got unloaded. Checked the animals and looks like we lost 2 more kittens and a fish. So I figured that I would clean the fish tank. Should be easy right? NOT!!!! I didn't want to walk out to the trailer to get the bucket so thought I would use the trash can instead. I looked (I thought) to see if there were any holes. The big one does. I didn't see any. So I started suctioning off the water. So far so good. Got it about half done, thought I would just let it siphone off and put in clear water. Looked down in the can expecting to see 6+ gallons of dirty water. There was only about 1 in there. I thought what the heck! and tipped it to the side. Bad idea. So I looked closer. There was 5+ gallons of dirty fish water running under the table and all over the carpet. Just what I wanted to do now. Clean the carpet. So much for my restful evening at home before working the next couple of days. Oh well. Will have to do it again later but much better next time. I am tooooo tired.

Well, hope everyone else has a better weekend. Love to all. Ben and Illa


Peter said...

Illa, so sorry about your day. Like they say, 'when it rains, it pours'.Karen and I just groaned when we read about the fish tank. We hope your weekend goes better.

Jim said...

Thanks for the update. You might say it was a quick update, but there's a lot of information there.

Hey, did anyone tell the doctor that we're warm-blooded creatures and not cold-blooded? Cold blood in a human has got to be somewhat of a shock to the system! I hope Ben gets a vote on this one.

From the rest of your post it sounds like the rest of your bad experiences of the day started with when you went out to have a smoke and drink your coffee. Maybe drink your coffee in the room next time. Hey, come on, it's worth a try. See what happens.

But, thanks for reminding me why we don't have fish. Your fish story kind of made me quickly throw away that fish tank magazine I was looking.

I do hope that the rest of your weekend is less eventful, and, for all of us, that when you return, Ben is running after the PT through the halls of the hospital yelling at him, "hurry up your lazy #**."


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you need a visit from Doctor Duck and the Mask of Infinite Dorkiness! I'll bring it next time and do my duck impersonation...


And it sounds sort of like dad and his body to reject the blood, mine probably would try too if it were chilly blood...

Sorry I couldn't be there to help with the fish mom, I would have been happy to go get the bucket and help out. On the bright side, both my tanks are fine...

Tell dad I love him.

Anonymous said...

Guess it tells me to take that extra 5 minutes to do something right the first time. Oh well, live and learn. At least the bathtub holds water.

Found one of the kitties. It was the siamese. Cool I have named her Precious. It is a long haired one. Really cute. Blue/green eyes.

The pool has definitely sprung a leak so will have to get a new one next year. Will go ahead and take it down as Ben will not be able to use it at all and it would be a temptation to him. So much to do and catch up on here.

The comp that I picked up at the Salvation Army Store for $10 for the grandkids here works. Yeah!! Looks like it was used for kids as there are some games that I think that Athena would like to play. It isn't big but doesn't have to be. just be able for them to play on so they don't feel left out as grandma won't let them use hers. It looks like it was supposed to also come with a printer so will look for that next week as there was a plug system in the box for one. There was one sitting with it but the person working there wasn't sure if it was part of the system or not. No big deal. Not as if we don't have a bunch of printers already.

The tomatoes are starting to put out nice ones. Too bad Ben can't have any yet. Maybe this time I will take some down just in case. He was saying that the Dr. said that he might be released in a week or so. We will see. I won't count on it yet. not until I see the stitches and tubes out and him eating and walking. Farther that 3 feet that is. More like a hundred so that he can get to the bathroom and back.

Well got to get ready for work. Couldn't sleep so was up at 3:30 instead of 4:30. Figured, why fight it to sleep. Wouldn't be restful anyway so am up.
Take care everyone, THANK YOU for everything. Talk to you later. Love Illa