Saturday, September 13, 2008

Some good news.

In spite of all the health issues that our family is facing and Hurricane Ike moving the coastal parts of Texas inland, there is still good news. I've heard that things really are bigger in Texas, and now, I must say, they're right.

We've been working on our Mason Court house evening and weekends, for the last month, and we're getting to the point where we can see daylight at the end of the tunnel. We've kept it as a rental since we moved to our house on Gale Way. I've not regretted for a moment the move to our home on Gale Way, but I've dreaded the time I knew it would take to fix up the Mason Court house. It's been a rental for about 8 years and was long overdue for a major 'fixup.' The time has arrived. We've painted, repaired, caulked, replaced, revitalized, and fixed. New doors, windows, trim boards, stove, bathroom cabinet, laminate (kitchen and bathroom), and carpet.

I'm ready to be done. I've done remodel stuff I've not done before. I feel as if I've earned my Junior Carpenter Badge, Junior Laminate Badge, Junior Electrician Badge, and my Journeyman Painting Badge.

Randy and Claudia are going to be buying it from us, and I must say, I'm glad. The baby is due in January and you can call me 'grandpa' then. The cycle of life continues. This is not to say I don't enjoy this kind of work, I just wish that it would have happened at the beginning of summer, you probably wouldn't have seen so many pictures of my feet!



Anonymous said...

Well, congratulations JnS!!!!!! I have been wondering about your kids and how they are doing. I am so happy to hear you are to be grandparents. It is so much fun having grandkids! Do the kids know whether they will have a boy or a girl yet? I've also been wondering about Andrew and his wife's jobs. How are jobs for them this year? Keep us up on the baby news. Love, Gi

Peter said...

Well grandma and grandpa, congrats on finishing. It's always feels so good to get a long project done, especially when it has been lingering on the 'to do' list for a long time.

Jim said...

It ain't quite done.

Because of seniority, Andrew had to move from his 6th grade classroom to another school teaching 4th grade, but at least he has a job. It just so happens that it's the same school where Rachael is teaching a K/1 class! It gets better. The 6th grade classes where he moved from have 40 students in a room, his new 4th grade class has 28!

Anonymous said...

Cool, Glad that they are working. You know if the fix up had happened at the beginning of summer it wouldn't have gotten done till now anyway. That is when you had surgery and couldn't do anything. It would have waited for you tho. For got you still had the place. It is great that the kids are getting it. It was a good starter home. No place like having your own when you start a family. I would assume that when you were fixing up the place that you were doing it to the spects that the kids wanted. No use having to redo something that they didn't like unless it was going to be a rental still. It is a neat feeling when your kids get something to start them off that they can call their own. My best wishes to them and all. Love Ben and Illa

Jim said...

You're right about realistically it not being done now even if we had started it after school got out. Those kinds things really do happen. I probably would really tried to blame it on my hernia operation.
Also, you're right, their colors and touches wouldn't have been a factor had it been a rental. Yes, on second thought, I would've been done by now. We're glad that they're getting it.

Anonymous said...

*smiles* I'm glad that you got it all fixed up... Now you need to put those badges on your vest. hehe.

Tell them hello for me.